Summer Camps for Kids

Summer Camps 2016
There are two words that every parent dreads hearing: I’m bored.
Well, your kids won’t have the chance to utter those words with so many choices of workshops and camps to participate in this summer!
The following list includes summer workshops and camps for kids in the following categories: sports, performing arts, science, arts and crafts, day camps and overnight camps.
Click on the name of the workshop or camp and you will be directed to its website for details.
Ambassador Basketball Camps (Ozark Christian College)
Ambassador Volleyball Camps (Ozark Christian College)
Basketball Camp – Girls (MSSU)
British Soccer Camp at Joplin Athletic Complex (Challenger Sports)
Children’s Lifetime Sports Academy (MSSU)
Combo Camps (Amplify Gymnastics)
Summer Tennis Program (Millennium Tennis and Fitness Club)
Youth Baseball Camp (Joplin Outlaws)
Youth Tennis Camp (Joplin Parks and Recreation)
Briley Performing Arts Company’s Camps
Joplin Little Theatre Workshops
Explore and Play Saturday Workshops (Joplin Public Library)
Junior Rangers Program (George Washington Carver National Monument)
artCamp (artCentral – Carthage)
Little Makers Workshops (Jo Ann Fabric and Craft Store)
Mud Camp (Phoenix Fired Art: July 6-10. Contact studio for info.)
Nature’s Artwork Summer Day Camp (Wildcat Glades Conservation & Audubon Center)
Summer Adventure Day Camp (Joplin YMCA)
Summer Camps (Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland)
Summer Discovery Day Camp (Thomas Jefferson Independent Day School)
Summer Fun Day Camp (Joplin Parks and Recreation)
Traveling Day Camp (First Presbyterian Church)
Cub Creek Science and Animal Camp (Rolla, MO)
Living Life to The Fullest!

I have worked in education and event planning, and have always loved to write. I hold a master's degree in journalism from the University of Oklahoma and a bachelor's degree in marketing from Tulane University.