Pro Musica

I’ve always loved classical music. As a child, I’d have just as much fun listening to Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake on our record player as I did bopping to Madonna’s “Holiday” on my Walkman.
In college, my idea of a perfect Saturday morning included a trip to the nearby Barnes & Noble where I’d wander through rows of books, coffee in hand, relaxing as pleasant strains of classical music filled the store.
Fast forward two decades. Saturday mornings are now filled with kids’ sports and birthday parties, and there’s no Barnes & Noble nearby. What’s a girl to do?
Thankfully, I discovered Pro Musica. This non-profit organization’s mission is “to foster interest in, appreciation for, and enjoyment of classical music in Joplin and the four-state area.”
Amen to that.
Founded by Cynthia Schwab in 1981, Pro Musica brings world-class musicians to town each year, exposing Joplinites to culturally rich musical performances that rival those found in major urban areas. Thanks to grants and sponsors, the chamber series is performed free of charge, making this experience accessible to all.
Performed mainly at area churches, the chamber series this year includes performances from WindSync, the Escher String Quartet, Cantus (a male vocal group), the Brasil Guitar Duo, the Lysander Piano Trio, and the American Brass Quintet. With such a wide range of instruments represented, there’s something for everyone.
My favorite instrument is the violin, and I was fortunate to hear the Escher String Quartet’s concert at the First Presbyterian Church downtown. This group is comprised of four men who have performed music all across the globe. Reading their bios, words like “Julliard” and “Carnegie Hall” grabbed our attention, prompting my husband to comment that these musicians were like “the rock stars of the classical music scene.”
His statement was proven to be true the moment that the musicians’ bows made contact with their strings. I watched in fascination as the music moved through them, their bodies becoming extensions of their instruments, their movements mirroring the various changes in the music.
Within minutes, I was like an alligator having its belly rubbed. Music from the great composers Beethoven, Shostakovich, and Bach melted away all of the stress of my day, and had transported me to my happy place.
In addition to the performance at First Presbyterian, the Escher Quartet also performed for six other groups during its week-long visit to Joplin. Bonnie Yetter, Managing Director of Pro Musica, explained that these community outreach performances to area elementary students and senior citizens demonstrated the organization’s goal to provide “ageless music to all ages.” My daughter had a chance to hear the musicians play at her school and she gave a one-word summation of the experience: amazing.
In addition to the chamber series, other performances on the Pro Musica calendar include a jazz concert and the Joplin PoPs, which is an outdoor concert featuring patriotic tunes, show tunes and light classics. Click here for a list of upcoming performances.
I was both surprised and pleased to know that my husband and daughter enjoyed listening to the Escher String Quartet just as much as I did. I thought I was the only classical music lover in the family.
Mission accomplished, Pro Musica.
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Photos by Travis Smith.
This article was commissioned by the Joplin CVB, however the opinions expressed are purely my own. The purpose of Joplin MO Life is to highlight all the best that our area has to offer, and when an article is written about a restaurant, business, attraction, or event, it is because I have had an enjoyable experience and want to share it with others.
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Living Life to The Fullest!

I have worked in education and event planning, and have always loved to write. I hold a master's degree in journalism from the University of Oklahoma and a bachelor's degree in marketing from Tulane University.
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