Joplin Youth Basketball Association (JYBA)

If you are looking for a way to keep your child active this winter, then look into the Joplin Youth Basketball Association (JYBA).
This is our third year participating in this association. Unfortunately it will be the last year for our oldest child, as the age range for participants is from 2nd to 6th grades. Luckily, we have two more kids to go!
The atmosphere surrounding the JYBA has always been positive. The coaches really care about the kids, and they do their best to make sure the kids have a fun learning experience.
Registration for JYBA usually begins in October. At registration time, players are evaluated to assess their skill levels, and this information is used to make sure that the teams are equally balanced. The teams are not co-ed; boys play boys and girls play girls.
Practices begin in November and are held on weeknights. There are both group practices and team practices.
Games are held on Saturdays, and they usually start in December and go through the end of January (with a break for the holidays).
The cost of registration for the 2013-14 winter season is $55. There is an application for financial assistance for those who need it.
So sign your kids up to play basketball in a family-friendly environment and keep them from hibernating this winter!
(JYBA also offers Little Dribblers Clinics for players from K to 2nd grade. Those are offered in September and October. During the summer, there are basketball camps offered for players in various grades.)
Click here for JYBA’s website, and click here to go to its Facebook page.
Living Life to The Fullest!

I have worked in education and event planning, and have always loved to write. I hold a master's degree in journalism from the University of Oklahoma and a bachelor's degree in marketing from Tulane University.