Create N Sip Studios’ Date Night

My husband Travis and I love our occasional, and much-needed, date nights. Once the kids are shipped off to grandma’s house, here’s what we typically do:
Date Night Option #1: Stay in and binge-watch some Netflix.
Date Night Option #2: Go out for a nice dinner at one of our favorite restaurants.
Date Night Option #3: Go out for nice dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, then come home and binge-watch some Netflix.
Aren’t we exciting?
Sometimes even we bore ourselves. That’s when we know that it’s time to look for some new activities to shake things up on date night.
Recently, I signed us up for the Date Night session at Create N Sip Studios (formerly RSVPaint), a paint-and-sip art studio in downtown Joplin. Since neither one of us is really good at painting, I knew there would be no danger of intra-couple competition (unlike the time we played laser tag; I beat him at that, by the way).
So if neither of us is a painter, why did I sign us up for Create N Sip Studios’ Date Night? First, so we could learn something new together. Second, so we could encourage one another in the process (just kidding – I did it so we could laugh at each other).

The studio was packed when we got there, and I was glad that I signed up ahead of time online, although walk-ins are always welcome, if there are still easels available.
We started sipping some wine – to get our creative juices going, of course. There’s a bar in the back of the studio where you can purchase beer, wine, mixed drinks, soda, water, and snacks. You can also bring your own beverages; we brought a bottle of our favorite Merlot which the bartender uncorked for a small fee.
Then we got settled in front of our easels. Our supplies included four paintbrushes, a palate of five paint colors, and an apron to protect our clothes.
The theme for our Date Night session was “Under My Umbrella,” and we were going to create a diptych. A diptych consists of two paintings that, when placed side by side, make one scene.

I chose to paint the male figure and Travis painted the female, although some of the other couples did the opposite.

Jordan was our instructor that night, leading us through the process stroke by stroke, and color by color. She was laid-back in her teaching style and supportive of everyone’s creative expression. She made me feel like Picasso.
Or maybe that was the vino…

We started painting our backgrounds, then added our trees. I do admit that Travis’ trees were better than mine.

Then it came time to paint our male and female figures. If Travis were a wise man, he would have painted a dainty feminine figure like everyone else in the class did.

But, no.
My renegade husband chose that particular moment to “express his individuality.” While everyone else’s figure was black, his female was bright yellow.

That, combined with its, um, interesting shape resulted in something of a cross between Mrs. Doubtfire and the Man in the Yellow Hat from Curious George.

Thanks, honey.
Did you notice how slim I made my male figure?
Did you?

I guess I’ll forgive him because spending a few hours creating a one-of-a-kind diptych at Create N Sip Studios was a welcome break from our usual date night routine.
Plus, it gives us something to chuckle about for the rest of our lives.
Group photo courtesy of Create N Sip Studios’ Facebook page. Create N Sip Studios is located at 223 Third Street in Joplin. Click here to visit its website.
*This post was updated on 1/13/20 to reflect the studio’s name change.
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This article was commissioned by the Joplin CVB, however the opinions expressed are purely my own. The purpose of Joplin MO Life is to highlight all the best that our area has to offer, and when an article is written about a restaurant, business, attraction, or event, it is because I have had an enjoyable experience and want to share it with others.
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Living Life to The Fullest!

I have worked in education and event planning, and have always loved to write. I hold a master's degree in journalism from the University of Oklahoma and a bachelor's degree in marketing from Tulane University.
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